Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Separation of Mosque & State? Not with our gob'mint...........

Supposing I told you that the United States Gob'mint was spending almost a Billion of your Tax dollars per year rebuilding run down churches in our country?

You wouldn't believe me because you know that not only does our 1st Amendment forbid it, but that the Left Wingnuts in DC would go berserk!! Guess what......... they are! But they aren't spending it here in the USA, they are spending our tax dollars (and the Chinese dollars we borrow) to Islamic countries to rebuild their mosques for them........ guess they need a comfortable safe place to preach against the evil Great Satan! (That would be us)

Watch this very interesting video and investigative new report from WSBTV Action News in Atlanta Georgia ....... that's right - this report is not produced by some right wing fringe group -- it's reported by on of Atlanta's finest TV News Stations...

uh, err, um, maybe you'll want to take a Rolaid first and then move all the throwable objects out of your reach......

Click here to read the report and see the video!

(Thanks and a tip O' the Stetson to Vet friend McMike of Houston Tx for the heads up)

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