Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My first and LAST words on the Casey Anthony trial.......

..... if all the holier than thou talking heads on TV would just take a deep breath and imagine that Casey Anthony had just had young Caylee aborted in a partial birth abortion they would all feel better. Wait till her feet are showing, then stick a needle in her little living head and suck her brains out, then throw the body in the trash....

Casey Anthony would be the Poster Gal for the National Association of Women, Planned Parenthood, the Women's movement.... and of course --- of all of the hand wringing yammering 'contributors' and 'anchors' and 'anchorettes' of the Main Stream Media who pretend to give a damn about young Caylee.

So, don't think of it as murder - think of it as a delayed abortion! Feel better now?

To all of you fellow human beings that think that late term abortions are an abomination and a form of manslaughter (babyslaughter?) ........... my apologies.
To everybody else.....
here's even more!

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