Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Deja vu?????

A year ago January, ole' Pecoz posted a story 'borrowed with permission' from Lem, over on his HillyBillyWhiteTrash blog. I'll link you there in a minute. The reason I mention it today is because of today's AP story and headline.....

U.S. warns airlines of bomb implants as a terror tactic

(AP /David Goldman)
(AP /David Goldman)

A plane takes off as a Delta Air Lines jet sits at Atlanta's Hartsfield Jackson International Airport in Atlanta on Saturday, May 28, 2011. (AP /David Goldman)

The Associated Press

Date: Wednesday Jul. 6, 2011 1

WASHINGTON — The U.S. government has warned domestic and international airlines that some terrorists are considering surgically implanting explosives into humans to carry out attacks, The Associated Press has learned.

There is no intelligence pointing to a specific plot, but the U.S. shared its concerns last week with executives at domestic and international carriers.

People travelling to the U.S. from overseas may experience additional screening at airports because of the threat, according to the Transportation Security Administration.


Placing explosives and explosive components inside humans to hide bombs and evade security measures is not a new idea. But there is new intelligence pointing to a fresh interest in using this tactic, a U.S. security official told the AP. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive security information.

So says today's news...... now then, let's go back a while and read a short story!!

Click here for my original post of Jan, 2010 and see the future from behind!!!

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