Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sorry about my absence....

the last couple of days .......... but after Obamanation's press conference, it took me quite a while to recover from my laughter and pick myself up off the floor!

Lord have mercy-- that so called intellectual is dumber than the proverbial stump! Didn't even know when the reporters were laughing AT him, not WITH him! Lord, Lord.

The man's got more time logged on Air Force One going on vacations. Dim fund raisers, campaign trips and golf outings than he does in the Oval Office!! And he stood there bad mouthin' congress for taking too much time off!

BTW - somebody tell him his oldest kid is 12, not 13, before she gets home from her million dollar, tax payer jaunt to Africa with her Mom, Sis, Granny, and a passel of cuzzins and hanger's on!

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