Monday, June 27, 2011

And you thought your tax dollars were being frittered away.....

( - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Monday that the State Department played an instrumental role in “sealing the deal” for pop-rock star Lady Gaga to perform at a gay pride rally in Rome, Italy.

Clinton specifically pointed to a letter that David Thorne, the U.S. ambassador to Italy, sent to Lady Gaga urging her to participate in the event.

“And then there is the work that our embassy team in Rome has been doing,” Clinton said. “Two weeks ago they played an instrumental role in bringing Lady Gaga to Italy for a Euro Pride concert.

When you finish gagging in surprise, shock and wonderment..... click here to read the rest of this Secretary of State's Arkansas size brag on bringing GaGa to Rome..... arghhh

Maybe it's just a prank by CNSNews? I hope?

Maybe when she finishes this Secretary of State Gig, she's gonna return to Arkansas and be the Receptionist at the "Bubba Clinton Presidential Library and Massage Parlor"?

1 comment:

Fishbowl said...

After Ar-can-saw, next performance is Madison Square Garden fur all dem Gayites. NY can now be named Little Kalifornia.