Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Power of Incumbency ....

Obamanation's latest move, start releasing oil from the Nations Strategic Petroleum Reserve has to be one of the coldest, cleverest and demonic actions taken by a sitting president since LBJ used the Gulf of Tonkin incident to escalate the Vietnam War!

Lookee here Pilgrims - Oil prices have been dropping for the last few weeks on their own. Down about 30¢ per gallon in the last couple of weeks. Now, all of a sudden His Bo-ness announces he's gonna started draining our reserves.

Lets see now, the law only allows a draw down of 4.4mbbl/day. At that rate, the thirty million barrels of oil to be released would last about 13 days --- and and would equate to .024% of our daily use. Talk about that lad in Oregon peeing in the corner of the city reservoir...... shucks!

But......BUT, if prices continue down he'll take full credit for it from now till election day next year. And if they start to rise? Well, shucks, he gave it the ole' college try - that's more than 'W' did!

Talk about a "Win - Win" situation. PT Barnum is alive, well, and working in the West Wing!!!

What's that you ask? "Where is the emergency if oil prices are already coming down?" Don't be silly lad......... BO's approval ratings dropped by four points this week - that's the emergency!

Oh and you over there? "Why doesn't he just lift his moratorium and turn the oil companies loose in the gulf, in Alaska and all that shale oil pools of Montana?" Go sit in the corner with that other young feller that asks dumb and obvious questions. You don't hear the esteemed members of the MSM asking those questions........

(Thanx and a tip O' the Stetson to a couple of old Military Buds for voicing these opinions)

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