Thursday, June 23, 2011

Not our US Marines....... say it ain't so!

Two parts of this story I just refuse to believe --

Part I.

ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – In the midst of Marine Week with tanks, guns, and heavy weapons parked on lawns all over downtown, the Mayor is wondering how two unarmed prowlers out-fought and robbed three Marines on the street.

Police report that two Marines in their early 20s were walking near the Soldier’s Memorial downtown around 2:30 Monday morning, when two suspects in their 20s approached. According to the police report, the suspects tried to sell the Marines jewelry and then an argument led to a fight.

Police say one of the suspects punched a Marine. Another suspect reportedly took a pocket knife from the other Marine and poked him with it, causing a minor cut. The Marines told police the suspects took one of their wallets and ran away.

Police say a third Marine was also present, but was not fully involved in the fight.

Somehow I just can't see this really happening this way...there has to be more to the story!

Part II.

But a Marine spokesman shed more light on the mugging, suggesting that the Marines turned the other cheek to avoid violence.

“Marines have been given rules of engagement not to engage in any violence except to protect their lives,” said Marine Spokeswoman Capt Kate Vanden Bossche.

When asked if the Marines have essentially been told to hand over their wallets in St. Louis, rather than fight to protect their property, Vanden Bossche said: “If someone is in such dire need that they need to rob someone, I don’t think that’s a fight Marines need to get into.”

Even the best PR Flack, especially a Marine captain like our Kate here, would have a hell of hard time keeping a straight face while uttering that statement..

I can't hardly stand it.......... click here if you'd like to read the rest of the story (and about their 'altered states' at 0230 hours)

Semper Fi !!

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