Thursday, June 23, 2011

I must have taken a nap......

Hellary Clinton went to Montego Bay, Jamaica, to question the priorities of the US Congress and their support for Obamanation's invasion of Libya.............? "Whose side are you on?", she asked.

Apparently the House is about to vote on one of two courses,
- Give the POTUS limited authority to continue his attack on Libya, or
- Cut off all funds for military hostilities

Now then Pilgrims, this is where I get foggy -- I don't recall BO coming to Congress to ask for support, funds or a howdy-dee-doo with regards to Libya. Matter of fact, I thought that was why Congress had their shorts in a twist -- because he did not.

So why in tarnation would they be considering 'giving him limited authority' to continue..... when he didn't even as for authority to begin, carry on, or continue?

What am I missing here...... or is what's missing --- a backbone in Congress?

Oh, and another thing, why does our Secretary of State feel it necessary to leave our shores and go to Jamaica to make her accusations against our Congress. Why didn't she call Dingy Harry Reid and Speaker Boehner and voice her questions? Or tell one of the DNC's hand puppets at CNN that she needed some air time to voice them. .....just wonderin?

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