Monday, June 27, 2011

Goo-Daffy be skeered now!!

Let's see now, over the last three months, Libya's Goo-Daffy has been attacked by al-Queda, the Muslim Brotherhood, his own unhappy subjects, all of the powers of NATO and the best that the US Military could throw at him from a distance under the orders of Obamanation.....

This morning I find that the ICC (International Criminal Court) in the Netherlands has declared him an unfit leader and issued an arrest warrant. Hot Damn, I'll bet that got his attention more than a Tomahawk missile coming in his bedroom window.

As I read the headline, I got to wondering....... who is the ICC gonna get to serve the arrest warrant, Western Union? Fed-Ex? Acme Message Service? Maybe one of the Courts member judges will don a clean black dress and deliver it hisself?

What a bunch of international clowns --- and I'll bet they are paid big piles of Euro tax dollars, have big offices, shiny desks and car service as well! A comic opera -- probably have the French Battle Flag (White) for their banner too.

By the way, I wonder if the ICC has (or will) issued similar arrest warrants against Kim Jong-il of North Korea, Mugabe of Zimbabwe. Than Shwe of Burma, Al-bashir of Sudan or Karimov of Uzbekistan? No? Gee, I guess it's only fun when you are piling on.............

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