Thursday, October 7, 2010

A couple of thoughts on 'monogomy'.....

The poster birds for fidelity, Bald Eagles are monogamous and remain faithful to each other until one dies. Recent studies of DNA from the feathers of other eagle species support the idea that monogamy is the norm among raptors.

On the other end of the monogomy practicing food chain, is the poor Anglerfish......

This deep-sea fish takes monogamy to a bizarre new level. When mating, a male anglerfish bites into the flesh of his female mate, attaching to her body. His mouth fuses with her skin, and their bloodstreams merge. Once joined, the male degenerates until he's simply a source of sperm for the female. A female will often have several males attached to her at once.

Now then Pilgrims, aren't you glad you tuned in today? You might have missed this!

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