Friday, September 17, 2010

Understatement of the Month........ drum roll........

.... "The Los Angeles City Controller, Wendy Greuel said on Thursday the city's use of its share of the $800 billion federal stimulus fund has been disappointing."

Turns out that the City of the Liberal Angels received $111 million ($111,000,000) of our tax dollars -- under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (aka - ARRA or Porkulus Bill) to create jobs.. The net result?? TA DA!!! 55 JOBS !!!

The LA Controller went on to add: “While it doesn’t appear that any of the ARRA funds were misspent, the City needs to do a better job expediting the process and creating jobs."

As my Granddaughter would say.................DUH!!!!!!!

For you folks who might not have had your morning coffee yet..... that works out to a cost of TWO MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS PER JOB!!

Great to see how careful all those Gob'mint hustlers are with OUR money!! Hell, I'll bet even ACORN had a better track record than this........ at least they tried to put pimps and whores to work............

Click here for the rest of this obscene story in IB Times.....

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