Friday, September 17, 2010

Meet the NOT Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau....

The law that established the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau requires that the US Senate shall confirm the Director.

Oh my, such a bother, even though Obamanation's party controls the
Senate, he doesn't feel good about running her through for such confirmation. He and she are SO above all that detail stuff.

So, he has just named Elizabeth Warren, an 'assistant to the POTUS' and 'special advisor to the Treasury Secretary', Timmie (the Tax Dodger) Geithner.

No need for that troublesome vett
ing procedure, or listening to those pesky old white haired Senators..... there you go!!!

You get the job, the authority, the perks, the buc
ks, the staff, the limo, the credit card, just not the title, darlin'!!

And so it goes in this administration that has admitted they find the US Constitution too full of 'constraints'..........

Hello -- anybody awake out there?

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