Saturday, September 11, 2010

Three disjointed thoughts on this September 11th

1. When I tuned into the LPGA Tourney in Arkansas today, I thought it was a very nice touch that they had replaced the pin flags on all the holes with small American Flags!! Good on 'em! (I'll bet the caddies got serious instructions about not laying those pins down on the green!)

2. For the second year in a row, I note that the POTUS constrained his 9-11 appearance to the controlled military crowd at the Pentagon. No chance of hearing the disparate sounds that he might hear up at Ground Zero in New York from those Bible totin', unwashed citizens....

3. Unrelated to 9-11, but as a big fan of Fox's Newswatch program, I was sorely disappointed that they have added Alan (the mouth) Combs to the panel. I respect his opinions and am sure he's a fine feller, but he was raised in the shout and talk over days and leaves his manners with out in the hall closet.

If I want to see folks talk over each other and screech at each other, I'll watch Eleanor Cliff on the McLaughlin panel on PBS or Chris (the motor mouth) Matthews on CNN or Bill (It's all about me) O'Reilly on Fox.

Newswatch has always been a pleasure to watch, get views from both sides and think media coverage thru..... alas .... no mas!!

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