Saturday, September 11, 2010

There's something about Barry,.....

Yesterday, Obamanation had his first live press conference in more than six months...... I'm not talking about the 210 times he stood in front of the cameras while the TOTUS talked to us.

Yesterday, he was being asked questions and had no prepared TOTUS talk for us.... Coincidentally, I happened to be sitting in the waiting room of a large military medical center during his press conference. The large screen flat TV on the wall was broadcasting the conference but the sound was so low it was inaudible.

Normally, when this happens, either one of the many folks present turn up the sound or ask for it to be turned up. In this waiting room. folks read, chatted with one another, or people watched like I did. The occasional glance at the screen and then away -- with little interest in him or what he was saying.

The only reason I mention this is because everybody in that room was either active duty military, retired military, or a military dependent. A group that as a whole, is very politically astute and current. The total lack of interest in whatever spin he happened to be sharing at that moment, or whether once again he was blaming 'W' for everything was almost surreal.

What's that old saying.... "If his lips are moving, I know he's lying, so why bother to listen?" came to mind.. Strange turn of events we are seeing.

That poster I have posted to the right is the new 'in' tee shirt design for the youngsters of the country -- the very ones who were drawn into his hope and change web such a short time ago. It would appear that the kittens and puppies eyes have begun to open in the last 18 months.

Just sayin'.............

(Thanks and a Tip O' the Stetson to Paul up in Rhode Island for the poster tip)

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