Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ain't that a damned shame................

One of America's better known editorial cartoonists, Daryl Cagle did a cartoon displaying the Mexican flag with the center eagle full of bullet holes -(left) -- a reminder, no doubt of the drug gang warfare that has erupted throughout their country. Killing police chiefs and local officials right and left. (That's their real flag on the right.)

Mexico's gob'mint, newspapers, and even their embassy in Washington have taken umbrage with this editorial cartoon. That would be plumb curious and certainly 'over reacting' at best. But when I think of the hundreds of times in the last few years that Mexican citizens (as well as newspapers) in Mexico, and illegally in this country, have insulted the American flag with swastikas, burnings, upside downs, flying lower than Mexico's..... it is truly amazing to find them upset with this harmless. but thought provoking cartoon.

I don't know about y'all, but after Mexico helped sue Arizona over their immigration laws, tried to get the UN to step into our court system in regards to our judicial handling of Mexican killers and criminals in this country -- I think it's all getting a bit wearysome!

What do you think, Pardners?

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