Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Obamanation redefines America!

Before I share the TOTUS'S latest egregious statement, let me share some basic facts, Pilgrims.
Here is the breakdown of religions in the United States by percentage:

Christian: (78.4%)
Protestant (51.3%)
Roman Catholic (23.9%)
LDS (1.7%)
Jehovah’s Witness (0.7%)
Orthodox (0.6%)
other Christian (0.3%)
no religion (16.1%)
Jewish (1.7%)
Buddhist (0.7%)
Muslim (0.6%)
Hindu (0.4%)
other (1.2%)

In 2007 wikipedia ranked the US 39th in the world for Muslim population? Let’s see the numbers of some of the most heavily populated Muslim countries:

Saudi Arabia: 27,601,038
Yemen: 23,013,376
Iran: 70,472,846
Egypt: 76,000,000

So where am I going with this Pilgrims? In a broadcast interview with a French journalist yesterday, America's Apologist in Chief, said the following: First in the French:

“D’ailleurs, si l’on compte le nombre d’Américains musulmans, on voit que les Etats-Unis sont l’un des plus grands pays musulmans de la planète»,

Avant d’ajouter : «Ce que j’essaye de faire, c’est de créer un meilleur dialogue pour que le monde musulman puisse mieux comprendre comment les Etats-Unis, mais plus généralement le monde occidental, conçoivent certains problèmes difficiles, tels que le terrorisme ou la démocratie».

In case you are like me and a little short of Parley Vou'ing that French stuff, here is what he said in English:

“the United States and the western world must learn with better understanding, Islam. Elsewhere, if the number is counted; Moslem Americans, it is seen that the United States is one of the largest Moslem countries of planet,” dares in an interview with Canal, the first granted, Obama added “What I try to make, is to create a better dialogue so that the Muslim world can better include/understand how the United States, but more generally the western world, conceives certain difficult problems, such as terrorism or democracy”.

This begs two questions, how does having about one half of one percent of our population as Muslims make us 'one of the largest Moslem countries on the planet"? Is he planning something we don't know?

And secondly, when did 'democracy' become on a par with 'terrorism' ans a difficult problem? Sometimes Pardners, when I go to bed at night I pray that he is just dumber than a rock......... but then I wake up in a cold sweat knowing that he ain't!!

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