Thursday, June 4, 2009

Been an interesting week in the news (or non-news)

Late term abortionist George Tiller was gunned down in church by a crazed anti-abortionist. You saw it every hour on the hour on your newscasts. Since Roe v Wade, I reckon that's 50 million dead babies, 5 dead abortionists.. Which headline did you see in your paper.

Meanwhile, two young American soldiers were gunned down, one dead, one seriously wounded by a ''born-again' Muslim jihadist who decided he'd rather be Muslim than Black. You probably saw that once, as a passing filler story on your news.

General Motors stock went from $40 per share three years ago, to $20 per share this time last year...... to gob'mint assisted suicide Monday and a current share price of 62 Pennies per share..... Just think...... GM is now a 'penny stock'! What would your Daddy think and who would have thought it possible before last November 4th?

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