Friday, June 12, 2009

The Dem machine just keeps going thru the 'RINSE' cycle.....

Y'all remember that little dust up caused when Air Force buzzed the Statue of Liberty to get some good pics for Obamanation's PR Flaks..... And how nobody in the White House knew about it in advance ...... but they knew they had to throw somebody under the bus? Remember all that?

The sacrificial goat was Louis Caldera, White House Military advisor and former Secretary of the Army under Bubba, the military prince.... well, just in case you were afraid that poor Mr Caldera isn't getting milk on his corn flakes now...... here's today's AP report:

Obama aide who quit after plane flap gets new job
AP News
Thursday, June 11, 2009

President Barack Obama's former aide Louis Caldera, who resigned after authorizing a costly and frightening Air Force One photo-op over New York City, is flying higher today.

He has been hired by longtime Democratic activist John Podesta at the Center for American Progress, where he will be a senior fellow and will focus on higher education and national security, the center announced Thursday.

Podesta, president and CEO of American Progress, is a former chief of staff for President Bill Clinton. Caldera worked for the Clinton administration as managing director and chief operating officer for the Corporation for National and Community Service and was secretary of the Army.

Caldera resigned from the Obama administration under fire last month as the administration tried to move past the embarrassing flyover that sent panicked New York City workers rushing into the streets amid flashbacks of Sept. 11, 2001.


Any political outfit that would hire Mr 'out of the loop' Caldera as a 'Senior Fellow for National Security', just has to be a couple of shells short of a 'full clip' and one top notch organization, don't ya' reckon?

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