Monday, May 25, 2009

'What's in your wallet, Mister?"

We are all familiar with that bank credit card advertisement. I came across this brief news item from Reuters this morning and, although I'm not sure why -- I find it troubling. So I'll just share it and see what you think...

Geithner carries fat fiscal burden but thin wallet

Fri May 22, 2009

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - What's in the wallet of Timothy Geithner, whose hands as U.S. Treasury secretary are on some of the fattest government purse strings in the world?

Not much, it appears, beyond a few bank cards, some euros and a worthless Zimbabwean bill.

Geithner, testifying to a congressional panel on Thursday about efforts to tackle the financial crisis, was shown a $50 billion bank note from Zimbabwe that has nearly no value due to hyperinflation in that African country.

Representative John Culberson asked Geithner if he had ever seen such a bill himself, prompting the Treasury secretary to reach into his pocket and produce a Zimbabwean note.

"I often have some foreign currency in my wallet," Geithner told Reuters during a break. "Want to see?"

Many of the slots in the thin, weathered leather wallet were empty. There were three cards with Visa and MasterCard logos -- all inserted upside down so the issuers could not be seen -- and a yellowed identification card of some sort.

From inside, Geithner pulled a small pile of receipts and papers, including a New York City transit card, pointing out there were some euros tucked in there too.

Anything else? Not a single U.S. dollar was in sight.

(Reporting by Jim Bourg; Writing by John O'Callaghan)

With current fiscal policies and Obamaflation facing us, I gotta wonder how long it's gonna be before we will be carrying $50 Billion American Dollar bills in our wallets. Maybe Geithner is just adjusting himself???

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