Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just when you thought the world couldn't get crazier....

you pick up a newspaper or read one one the Internet and see an article like this one in the London Times:

Burping of the lambs blows roast off menu
Jonathan Leake, Environment Editor

GIVE up lamb roasts and save the planet. Government advisers are developing menus to combat climate change by cutting out “high carbon” food such as meat from sheep, whose burping poses a serious threat to the environment.

Out will go kebabs, greenhouse tomatoes and alcohol. Instead, diners will be encouraged to consume more potatoes and seasonal vegetables, as well as pork and chicken, which generate fewer carbon emissions.

“Changing our lifestyles, including our diets, is going to be one of the crucial elements in cutting carbon emissions,” said David Kennedy, chief executive of the Committee on Climate Change.

Kennedy has stopped eating his favourite doner kebabs because they contain lamb.

Now Pilgrims, you probably think I'm gonna tell you that this Kennedy fella's elevator doesn't go all the way to the top, but I'm not. That would be to simple an answer-- 'cause the world is full of elitist hair brains like this dude. That's the scary part.
Earths atmosphere is comprised of water vapor; apart from that, dry air consists of approximately
* 78% nitrogen,
* 21% oxygen, and
* 1% argon by volume,
and small amounts of other gases.
The amount of carbon dioxide is important to the earth's climate even though it makes up less than 4/100 of 1% percent of the total atmosphere.. yep -you read it right CO2 makes up 4/100's of One Percent!
Without that tiny amount of CO2, all things green, including those rain forests that everybody wrings their hands over, would plumb curl up and die..
Whee Doggies, where do these idiots come from -- and why do other idiots give them ink space? "Burpin' Lambs" indeed! Where's them fellers in the white coats. I'll bet ole' Al Gorebot soils hisself when he sees stuff like this.
Next time you Pilgrims see one of these airheads spouting such nonsense -- remember this high placed gooney bird, and put what you are reading in the right perspective.

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