Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools Joke????

When I first saw the front page of the uber-liberal UK paper, The Independent, Ole' Pecoz thought it was a grand April Fools Day prank.
Unfortunately --- this rag is plumb serious in their article. Wringing their hands over the number of food stamp recipients in our country, bemoaning mortgage foreclosures, and painting a general picture of other ills of the US of A!
They neglect to mention that our unemployment rate at 4.1% is less than half of the United Kingdom's, that our stock market, albeit bouncy, is robust! That our rate of inflation is under control! That the GNP, although slow, is still moving up!
Oh, and BTW, the reason the number of food stamp applicants went up is that the bureaucracy just started a new ad campaign to find more eligible folks!!
What was that saying from our youth? "April Fools has come and passed -- you're the biggest fool at last!"
I reckon the editors of The Independent get the prize this year!

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