Monday, March 31, 2008

Remember when the main stream press 'laid off' Chelsea Clinton ....

.... 'cause she was young, homely, not bright, and a Democrat saddled with the sick First Couple as parents. But they ignored the Bush Gals when they went to public high schools and public universities and then served all over the world in volunteer organizations..... but then they piled on when they had two beers --- kinda like the kids we all know!

Chelsea Clinton Criticizes Bush in N.C.
By ERIN GARTNER (31 Narch)

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - Chelsea Clinton returned Monday to North Carolina, telling college students that the world will "breathe a sigh of relief" once President Bush leaves office. Clinton spoke Monday during a town hall meeting with students at North Carolina State University. She later moved on to Peace College in Raleigh to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Clinton told about 250 people at N.C. State that her mother, New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, would work to repair the nation's reputation abroad.
"I think the world will breathe a sigh of relief when this president is gone," Clinton said, criticizing Bush for pulling out of various accordings, including the Kyoto Protocol on global warming.

Like him or not, I cannot remember when a sitting President showed more respect and dignity toward a past president than George Bush has shown to the Phirst Philanderer and his Enabler.

And from her comments (above) now it is payback time -- classless Clinton style --- guess the tipsy little daughter didn't fall far from the tree!

Here is a picture you didn't see on the front page of the Times!

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