Sunday, September 16, 2012

My ole' head hurts........

Sorry I was MIA yesterday - but I purposely took a day off to let all of this insanity wash down the drain..... I wanted to look at the filter and see what sludge was still sticking after all the headlines.... I'm talking about the Islamist raids on all of our American Embassies of course - and the attack and murder of our Ambassador to Libya in particular....

The facts kept coming in -- I call them facts - but I reckon 'reports' would be more accurate. When I was a kid, I was told to believe 'nothing that you hear and only half of what you read'. Nowadays, in the absence of any true journalists -- I don't believe what I hear OR what I read... until I've read it from several sources.

So, what do I believe about this week?

- I believe that Secretary of State Clinton DID pull the Marines out of our embassies in Libya and substitute unarmed locals as guards....

- I believe that Obamanation and his cronies were informed of the upcoming attacks before they happened.

- I believe BO is clueless in his Middle-East policy and even more clueless regarding the lack of respect the Muslim community has for him and the USA.

- I believe the administration signed off on the Cairo apology statement.

- I believe the Christian Coptic video had NOTHING to do with the riots - 9/11 was the catalyst, the video was coincidental.

- I believe that BO is so self-absorbed that to this day, he still doesn't see where he has gone wrong.... he is the ONE after all.

- And finally (for now) I believe that if Romney and Ryan and their folks don't get downright tough in their campaign -- they'll end up like gentle Johnny Mac did in 2008....... Scratched at the starting gate!!

I believe in this political ad too!

What do you believe?

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