Sunday, September 16, 2012

Do you recognise this woman?

She is either the chief advisor to Obamanation or, if you believe some of the reports, his chief minder -- working for those who hold his strings.

I'm not sure which she is, that's above my paygrade, but of one thing I am certain...... While the American Ambassador to Libya, Christ Stevens, was without the historical Marine guard detail in Benghazi, Libya .............. Ms Valerie Jarrett was on vacation on Martha's Vineyard, USA..... with a FULL Secret Service guard detail on her full time!

Dem pollster, Pat Caddell is quoted: "The media has been completely uninterested. We don’t provide security for our ambassador in Libya, but she needs a full Secret Service security detail. And nobody thinks there’s anything wrong with this. And nobody in the press will ask. What kind of slavish stoogery are they perpetrating here?

This country has reached the point of absurdity. There are people dead because we don’t have security details for them. But she’s privileged to have a full Secret Service detail on vacation?”

I feel no need to add any comment....

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