Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Every day I am in more disbelief of the actions of our White House occupant....this great summary today from Hope n' Change.....

In 1964, Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart famously said that while he could not define obscenity, "I know it when I see it."

Which is why Barack Hussein Obama's latest attack on the Supreme Court and the Constitution is, without any doubt whatsoever,
spectacularly obscene.

In order to support his illegal healthcare power grab, the president of the United States is drawing upon his experience as a radical community organizer to send protesters to surround the Supreme Court as they hear arguments on Obamacare.

Are you throwing up in your mouth yet? Wait - there's more! Because this won't be just an
ordinary group of protesters. NoooOOooo. The man who just threw Catholics and freedom of religion under the bus (and famously was a 20-year member of a radical, racist, America-hating church) invited dozens of allegedly religious activists to the Whitehouse to coordinate his "prayer vigil" to support Obamacare

In commenting on this clear blasphemy and Constitutional assualt, the Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney is direct and eloquent:

“It is troubling that President does not celebrate the National Day of Prayer at the White House or attend church on a regular basis, (as he did all during the 2008 campaign) yet he will call for prayer vigils to help support and promote his political agenda. Mr. President, prayer should never be about advancing a political agenda, but honoring God.

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