Word of the day:
a. revealing or marked by a smug, ingratiating, or false earnestness. See unctuous.
OR --- see this picture on the left --- that is Jack Lew, the personification of SMARM and Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of Smarm!
Yesterday he made the rounds of the Sunday talk shows and on two different shows repeated the false claim that the Senate needs 60 votes to pass a budget - and that was the reason that the Dim led senate couldn't pass a budget in the last 1,017 days ---- because Dingy Harry couldn't get it by the GOP Senators..
For this repeated lie - no less than ABC and the Washington Post awarded him FOUR Pinocchios!! FOUR!!!
This from a guy who was Obamanation's and Clinton's Budget Director, no less. Somebody who ought to know something about federal budget process!
It not only doesn't take 60 votes to pass a budget resolution all it takes is a simple majority of those voting!!!
Shame Shame one him and his boss!
He, of all people, know that the reason the Senate hasn't brought up a Budget Resolution, much less voted on one, is because the Dems like things just as they are, automatic increases in all departments every year with special bills for extra spending. If they presented a Budget Bill, they might actually have to discuss spending!!
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