| Whatever else Obamanation and his cabal and their handlers are,... they ain't stupid.
I've been scratching my head trying to figure out why, just ten months before a general election, he would make a big thing out of mandating that the Catholic Church include free Birth Control pills, Abortion pills, and abortions in it's health care benefits to it's thousands of employees nationwide. (I ain't gonna even mention that I doubt his authority to do this.)
I can only come to one conclusion - that they have just added another 'wedge' issue to drive Americans apart. They've done the Rich vs Poor, the Evil corporations vs the Workers, the greedy Oil companies vs the poor automobile commuters, the working Tax payers vs the Food stampers....
Now maybe they've decided that it might be a good time to drive a wedge between the rank and file Catholics and their church leaders?
Let's face it, if you are an underpaid LVN or janitor in a Catholic hospital, or an office worker in a Denver diocese, you might be delighted to get these services free with your medical benefits instead of having to pay for them.... the heck with what the Cardinals and the Pope say .... 'Right on BO!'
I'm not arguing the right or wrong of it -- just pondering the cause for it and the timing.
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