Sunday, January 1, 2012

Shortest 'Best of 2011" List

Every year at this time, folks just tend to make lists, Ten Best, Ten Worst, Ten Biggest, etc for the year just ending.

I submit that this lawsuit, as related by the Topeka Capital-Journal, could top about a half dozen of those lists.... in brief:

A fugitive murder suspect is chased by the cops. Tires blown out, he runs into house, flashes knife, ends up eating Cheeto's. drinking Dr Pepper and watching Patch Adams on TV. Naturally, he falls asleep.

The couple fled, the police entered, and in the process of handcuffing the perp, accidentally shot him.

He is now in jail serving a 10 year sentence for another crime - he is suing the hostage couple for 'breach of contract', - reporting him to police causing him pain and suffering, and he is suing the police for shooting him.

The couple he held hostage is suing him for $75K for trespass and other torts.

Don't believe this can happen, Pilgrims? This is the land of lawyerly opportunity! Click here for whole story!

There was stiff competition - like the gentleman who was suing for age discrimination and tried to get the judge recused because he was 'too old'!

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