Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hawkeye - Cauci Over................finally!!

Never has so much TV air time been generated over so little news in TV history. I have one word for the Iowa Caucus results........ ........YAWNNNNN!!

$20 Million dollars, a zillion hours of national tv coverage - and it's a tie -- 18 votes separate an ex-senator who couldn't win re-election in his home state and a one term gob'nor zillionaire who has lost every other election he has run in. As Archie Bunker would say - "Whoop-de-doo"!!

They of course, are followed by the male version of Ross Perot's 'crazy aunt in the attic', a embittered and erratic ex-Speaker of the House and a Texas Gob'nor who can't remember who he wants to shut down!!

Yee Haw! The only other candidate - who should be busting her butt to be the next Speaker of the House so we have one with backbone for a change - is still coming around the far turn.

This is the best field of candidates the GOP can field against a total loser Dimmocrat incumbent POTUS? Give me a break ----

Or at least = give me a GOP majority in the House and Senate next November so we can put the reins on the Socialist in Chief!!

There is one ray of sunshine this morning - I see Jimmah Carter is offering Obamanation some re-election advice!! That's hopeful.................. have a nice day!!

We don't have another primary until ......... ooops! Next Tuesday? Oh Wow, and in New Hampshire too. Maybe all those TV talking heads will catch cold.

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