Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sorry 'bout my absence.....

Your humble host has been doing a couple of 'book signings' and working on a sequel to 'The Judge ...Is Not The Jury" this past week. We've kinda takin' a likin' to Chief Spenser and his Thai-American Police captain wife, so decided they ought to move on....... to other adventures.

(pssst, I'm told that "" still has a few available if you are looking for that last minute gift....!)

Anyway, I apologize for my absence. I'll try to behave for a while.

1 comment:

Fitra2009 said...

Nice articles. I'm just blogwalking and very happy to stop here. And also give you some comment and following your blog here.

Dont forget to give us some your comment into my blog and following me back too.