Sunday, December 18, 2011

Couple of thoughts for this cool gray Sunday morning...

I note with interest, but no surprise, that Colt Firearms is thinking of moving their factory to Kissimmee, Florida shortly.

While that move comes as no surprise, the surprise is that the Connecticut gob'mint and UAW expressed surprise that such a move might happen! As my granddaughter would say..... "Duh!!!"

When you tax folks out of their ability to make a profit, regulate them to a point where it becomes impossible to do bid'ness.... what else would one suspect.

Moving from one of the tax capitals in the country to a 'right to work' state with no state income tax seems kinda like a no-brainer to me! But then, I ain't no Connecticut politician with my hand in the Union's pockets either.

'Nother thought!! Every four years I get plumb upset with the Republicans when they form their circular firing squad and all the presidential candidate start shooting each other down. This year - it appears that they have changed their tactics.... it's starting to look like a mutual suicide pact!!

Good Lord, three weeks before the first primary and Gob'nor Perry applies for retirement pay AND continues to draw his gob'nors pay at the same time.... Not a smart conservative move - Mr Gob'nor!!

Newt the Grinch, opines that if he is elected president and the Supreme Court rules on a Constitutional question in a way that he opposes.... he'll just ignore them.

Ron Paul, appears ready to step in and replace Ross Perot's 'crazy aunt in the basement' and be the new 'crazy uncle in the attic'.

John Huntsman is more concerned with impressing Joy Behar and whazzername with the dreadlocks on the View than he is in impressing Mr and Mrs Republicans.

And of course, who could forget that Romney feller. Been running for public offices for almost twenty years, only one once - Gob'nor of Taxachusetts and Romneycare - now wants us to believe he's an outsider by his choice, not the voters.

And that young lad from Pennsylvania and young lady from Minnesota, both running to be Homecoming King & Queen over the Tea Party -- need to quit looking in the mirror and start looking at the polls.

Oh well, Ole Pecoz has been sayin' that Obamanation was doing such a terrible job that the proverbial 'Ham Sandwich' could beat him next year. Maybe I'll be proved right and a Ham Sandwich will beat him!! Stay tuned.

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