Last evening, Wednesday - November 30th - the annual Christmas Tree lighting at Rockefeller Center in New York City took place. This annual celebration and event, attended by tens of thousands, added to the usual evening gridlock that that great city suffers regularly. You have to have attended one in your lifetime just to see how crowded and locked down it actually is.
The White House staff, I'm speaking of the decisions makers here, not the poor Secret Service and other Protective services hirlings, were apparently the only folks in the free world to not know of this annual mob scene. So.... they scheduled Obamanation and his humongous entourage of limos, SUVs, and escort lit up police cars - to totally tie up Manhattan so that Bo could attend three (count 'em, three) different deep pocket fund raisers around the city in one evening.
Talk about locking down a city!! Last time I looked, there were 365 evenings in most years. Why in the name of Queen Antoinette would they choose November 30th for their evening of gridlock?
Why indeed? Unless it was simply to show they can.................?
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