Sunday, August 1, 2010

National Education Association (NEA) ...

...more commonly recognized by it's real name, 'National Teachers Union', has really started grasping to ensure they maintain the firm grip they have today on America's education dollars.

I am gonna link you good folks to an NEA memo to all of it's 'Association Representatives' AKA (in their words) 'Shop Stewards'. In the memo, they recommend purchase, reading and implementing "Rules for Radicals" as authored by none other than the late great SAUL ALINSKY.... Instead of late, great, maybe I should have said 'dead, red and infamous' Saul Alinsky.

I know y'all are familiar with this rabble rouser's works, but check the link and as you are reading it, remember that this recommendation is coming from the union headquarters of the teachers that stand in front of your children every day.............

Nuff said? Click here!

And the next time some dimwit tries to tell you that the NEA is about improving the American Education program -- remember this link! And salute him in any manner you think appropriate..........

Thanx and a Tip O' the Stetson to Dave of Laurel Md for the lead!

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