Saturday, July 31, 2010

For those of you who doubt there is a 'Ruling Party' in this country...

... follow this bouncing ball!

The DA up in Portland Oregon, decided he'd really get on this Al Gorebot Sex case and be fair to all:

- He gave the accuser, masseuse Molly Hagerty a lie detector test!

- He provided Gorbot AND HIS ATTORNEYS 14 pre-approved questions for their prior approval.

Thus, ergo, and hence -- the DA decided that Gorebot, of the Ruling Class,was the truth teller and the Serf person, was not.

Case dropped, case closed, go back to your little world Serf!! The Ruling Class Rules!!!

Somebody tell me again, why the Pilgrims left England in little storm tossed ships to escape the inequities of the King and his Knights and their mistreatment of the 'little' people???

What a shame - go here for the Oregonian Story

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