Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Just when you think PC can't get any more ridiculous...

..... some gob'mint self-impressed flunky comes up with a new phrase that tops 'em all. We all remember the term 'Wetbacks' (it was even used in an official government program back in the Fifties), that was softened into 'Illegal Aliens'.

Then we saw Illegal Aliens softened by the Left into 'Undocumented Workers' (implying that they were all working), but now we have really stretched even further left.

A Ms Rita Volmer, who identifies herself as an Assistant Public Affairs Officer, for Shasta-Trinity National Forest, has just identified illegal aliens running a marijuana farm in the middle of National forests as............ are you ready for this....... "Displaced Foreign Travelers from Michoacan, Mexico" Yup, you heard it here first..

I'm gonna have to watch the movie "Butch Cassidy & the Sun Dance Kid" one more time to see if the Bolivian Army Wanted Posters, identified them as "Displaced Foreign Bankers"

Wheeee Doggiees. --- where do they find these folk?

Click here to go to the source of this idiocy!!!

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