Saturday, July 24, 2010

Just one more example of America's deterioration....

There is an organization in Montgomery County, Maryland called CASA de Maryland which continues to operate on millions of public tax dollars. They office in that modest looking edifice on the left.

Like so many such tax funded (and tax free) organizations CASA had expanded their mission. They now seek out Hispanic candidates for public office and otherwise perform political tasks that are not allowed by law. Indicative of their involvement is questions in their Political Survey:

» Would you support the return of driver's licenses for residents of Maryland, regardless of immigration status?

» Nonprofits provide a significant percentage of services to immigrant and Latino communities. If elected, would you support increased funding for nonprofit agencies filling these critical gaps?

» Our communities suffer from inadequate police protection and aggravated experiences of police abuse. What additional measures will you support to provide police protection free from abuse?

» Will you support policies, such as tenant right of first refusal and rent control, to ensure that tenants and small businesses are not displaced and that the jobs created by [future transportation] projects are targeted to low-income residents surrounding the Metro line?

» In light of the recent law passed by Arizona regarding undocumented immigrants, do you support any increased measures by our state to follow suit?

» Do you support or oppose efforts to make English the official language of Maryland?

Click here for the complete story as reported in the Washington Examiner,

And like ACORN and so many other such organizations -- the Gob'mint doesn't do diddly about them --- they are too busy suing Arizona for protecting their borders, I reckon!!!

(Thanks and a tip O' the Stetson to Al of MD for the heads-up)

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