Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Political Correctness run amok!!!!

Just when you think the PC police, the anti-smoking zealots, the historical revisionists, couldn't possibly become any over-the-hill nuttier............ they go and prove you wrong!

In London, above the entrance to the "Britain at War Experience", there is a larger than life picture of Winston Churchill in one of his most famous photos. An actual photo of Churchill taken in 1948.

Unfortunately, the PC Bobbies, or 'Don't offend the left" (OTL) bullies, decided that Winston should give up his long life's enjoyment of cigars... The photo on the left is the original and the photoshopped one on the right is the same picture after being photoshopped and sanitized!!

Wheee Doggies --- what's next? FDR without his six inche cigarette holder?

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