Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nothing new under the sun???

Don't bet on it Pilgrims...

A Federal Judge up in New York, recently ruled that the citizens of Port Chester NY, could each vote six times in their local elections. Yep, six times.

Apparently he felt that the Hispanics weren't being represented on the City Council, so instead of dividing the town up into six districts, for the six council seats, 'district' voting - as we have all seen across the Country, mostly the South, he decided that each voter would get six votes!!

That's right, a voter could cast one vote each for six candidates, two votes each for three or even six votes for one candidate...... Yup, you read that right --- forget all that 'One man - one vote" falderal that you've heard all your life -- It's now one man - six votes in Port Chester NY.

I ain't even gonna comment on the right or wrong of the process.......... my question is, "Why hasn't this Federal Judge, who swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, been impeached yet?" Where is the hollerin'?

Is there no law in this country anymore?

For the rest of the story - go to:

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