Thursday, June 10, 2010

Justice is not blind in the media's eyes....

Two hot stories regarding youngsters this week ---

#1- US Border guard fired at a group of Mexicans hurling rocks at them from across the border and hit one one of the throwers, a 14 year old, who died from the wound.

#2- Taliban publicly hanged a seven year old boy, accusing him of being a spy for Prime Minister Karzai.

Question: One of these two stories made headlines in all major papers and news outlets... the other was picked up only by the NY Daily News and the blogosphere.

If you can guess which story made international headlines and which did not, write your answer on the back of a US Grant (fifty dollar bill) and mail it to me.... I'll announce the winner on some date in the future.

Heck the Daily Mail makes the Mexican lad out to be the apple of this mothers eye, a choir boy, gave half his earnings to Sister Teresa, and one who never tried to sell his sister - not even for an hour. They even front paged a map making Mexico look like Eden and the USA as the 'dark planet'.. Nothing subliminal about them..... here's a link:

I am following up on a lead that says that this innocent lad was arrested and deported 5 different times for human smuggling.... I'll get back to y'all on that...

Wheee Doggies, here it is right here, confirmed by Fox News--- which points out also that he was 15, not 14, and on the Border Patrol's 10 Most Wanted Juvenile Smuggler list.....

What a world!!

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