Monday, June 14, 2010

"American Power Act"

That has such a nice ring to it, donch'a think? Tomorrow nite, your TOTUS will be giving yet another made for TV speech, using the crisis of the gulf spill as a background, to push for the passage of this act (introduced by those leading energy experts, Kerry & Lieberman) in a rush this year..

This is little more than a rebranded, "Cap & Trade" (Cap & Tax) bill which will raise the electricity and other rates for every American...... yup, even those who make less that the evil $250K that BO likes to besmirch!! Folks just don't realize, it ain't just their electric bill going up, but so it is for the ACME widget company and Dynasty Corn and Hog company.... guess what happens to the prices of widgets and pork bellies?

I won't waste one of the hours I have left on earth to watch this pompous puppet, but I will be looking for the appropriate sound bites.....

"Good Monday morning. Although it won’t be his main point, President Obama plans to use his Oval Office address Tuesday night, the first of his presidency, to argue for a comprehensive new energy-climate law that goes beyond “spill bill” provisions designed to rein in the oil industry. A Senate Democratic leadership aide tells Playbook that the administration has told Sens. Kerry and Lieberman, who last month introduced an “American Power Act,” that an energy deal MUST include some serious effort to price carbon as a way to slow climate change. “No traditional ‘energy only’ bill meets their sense of what’s credible as a response to BP, or the president’s own 2008 rhetoric,” the official said. "

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