Saturday, May 22, 2010

My old Dad used to say, "You get what you pay for!"

Which kind of answers the question 'What do unions want in their elected congressional representatives?"

Time was, when union activity in an election was pretty much limited to working phone banks, block walking, and other one on one activities, not money. No more!!

In addition, the unions we primarily heard about were the UAW (Union Auto Workers) and AFL-CIO. No more!!

In this off year election, the primary players are the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Their stated goal, saving the seats of incumbent 'friends' who have voted their way the last two years and are now in trouble with the electorate for spending those trillions of tax payer dollars and supported the Obamacare fiasco!

AFSCME (remember, these are gob'mint employees all) has bragged of planning to spend in excess of $50,000,000 for this purpose. The SEIU plans on spending more than $44,000,000 as well. Recipients of this largesse? High on the list are Senators Reid (NV), Boxer (CA).

I'll link you to 'the rest of the story' in "" so you can read for yourself.

I hope you note the headline 'save the Dem majorities'! Who says we ain't got the best politicians money can buy!!! Looks like us ordinary citizens are gonna have to look after our own interests...... cause the gob'mint employees are only worried about theirs - not ours!

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