Saturday, May 22, 2010

The day of the 'Brown Shirts & Socialist Democratic Workers Party' draws ever nearer!

I recall reading of Hitler's Germany in the 1930's, when the gob'mints 'Brown Shirted' police force would protect the socialist demonstrators as they broke into Jew's stores, businesses and homes. Not only allowing it to happen, but encouraging it and standing by to protect them as they did it.

Couldn't happen here in the good ol' USA, right? Wrong!

When those SEIU bullies and thugs terrorized that teenaged kid in the house in Montgomery County Md, this week, tromping on private property, breaking Montgomery County protest laws, they were escorted by, protected by, and observed by the D.C. Metropolitan Police! Who, by the way, have no jurisdiction in Montgomery Country, and who didn't even bother to contact the Montgomery County Police Department to let them know they were bringing protesters onto their turf!!

If this makes you mad enough, or scared enough, to want to read more, follow this link.... and as you do -- remember your history books!!!

Kinda makes you want to tap an e-mail or two out on that keyboard in front of you, doesn't it? Back in the 30's, none of the neighbors protested.... and we know what happened. Don't let us let it happen again!!! No stamps required!

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