Tuesday, September 29, 2015

New spelling for 'USA' ..... 'PATSIES"?

THE POOR SYRIAN REFUGEES....My God, what "patsies" we are!

We have approximately 200,000 of these folks coming to live with us in the USA.
For those bleeding heart supporters of Syrian refugees, watch how the
so needy are so grateful!
The food and water were provided by the Red Cross and was not acceptable
because - the Cross is a "Christian" symbol. Perhaps they also were not
certified Halal!
Why was it not on TV? They discard food and water and there is a predominance of young men.

And apparently a part of their islamist duties is to make sure that none of the women or kids get anything to eat or drink either!

 I wonder how many of these young men will be taken into the hearts and homes of those limousine liberals crying out for their immigration?

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