Wednesday, December 17, 2014

How is your grocery cart bill growing?

Every day, I hear pronouncements that inflation is in check.... COLA increases are only1.7% because inflation is so low...

And then I come out of the grocery store after paying $90 and find that all the groceries I bought can fit in my glove box in the dashboard..   

Pork, Beef, Chicken -- all up~ why? Who knows? Certainly it couldn't be because our gob'mint is subsidizing farmers to grow corn to convert (at a loss in money and actual energy) into gasoline....  nah, that couldn't have anything to do with the culled herds of cattle, the reduced hog and chicken production .. and the prices in my super-market...   

I'm not gonna go all the way back to the 50's when hamburger was three pounds for a buck ..... but going back just a year or so...

We can see that plain ole' hamburger has climbed to a national average of $4.21 per pound. This time last year, it was $3.47 per pound, 20% less.
Five years ago this month, it $2.06 per pound..... less than HALF of what it is today...

Hmm about that 1.7% COLA factor.....   Bid'ness as usual for this gob'mint!! Shucks, next thing you know, Pelosi and Obamanation are gonna tell us that if we like our doctors, we can keep 'em!

Source link here

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