Saturday, November 15, 2014

God Bless our Generous President!!

I read in the headlines just this morning that Barack Hussein Obama has pledged $ to the United Nations so they can build dikes around Crete... er something...  Ah yes -- to "help poorer vulnerable countries prepare for changing climate and cleaner energy."    How noble is that!

Oh, what's that you say -- Obamanation ain't kicking in a buck of his own money? That's U.S. Taxpayer's money?  Shucks, who'da guessed!

And the United Nations (you know, that group of international fat cats and tin pot dictator's brothers-in-laws that romp around NY City in the limos) must surely have a carefully prepared list of specific requests from the poorer vulnerable countries and the projects they propose.  You can bet on the answer!

So, looking at the math, Obama wants to take $3 BILLION of our tax dollars -send it in a blank check to the UN Bureaucrats and hope that they will help the poor nations prepare for global warming - which is strictly a figment of Al Gorebot's imagination....

I reckon if we are already borrowing a Trillion dollars a year from the Chinese, borrowing another $3 Billion to give to the UN slush funds is kinda, well, there is a word or two that describes it - but I try to avoid those kinds of words in here!

The Outstanding Public Debt as of 15 Nov 2014 at 01:46:22 PM GMT is:
$ 1 7 , 9 4 5 , 4 2 1 , 4 6 1 , 4 2 2 . 1 2

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