Saturday, October 4, 2014

MSNBC: The Ebola outbreak is the NRA's fault -- er something.....

US Surgeon General
Boris D Lushniak

In a news report (2 Oct - updated 3 Oct) MSNBC's newsreader and resident rocket scientist, Krystal Ball,  opined that Ebola is a problem because........... we don't have a Surgeon General to talk to us because........ the NRA leaned on the Senate to keep them from approving a nominee for that position.

So that was easy -- Ebola is a Republican/NRA generated pox on America!

The only conclusion that I draw is that between Krystal Ball, Race Baiter Sharpton, and Motor Mouth Matthews, MSNBC should be brought to court by the Justice Department for having an illegal monopoly on Broadcast Idiots!!!!

Small fact check -- We do have a Surgeon General - He is Rear Admiral Boris Lushniak (pictured). But his office has been silent on this topic because they have greater topics on their plate!

On October 1st, the Chief Spokesman for health in this country used his website to remind us that September was "Fruits & Veggies - More Matters Month"

There, now don't you feel better?

I'm not even gonna be tacky enough to question the wisdom and sobriety of a couple named Mr & Mrs Ball who named their daughter, "Krystal"....   too easy a target!! Maybe that's where her intellectual handicap came from.... it's genetic?

(I would be less than forthcoming if I din't point out that part of my sources for this post were purloined from Briebart, TownHall, MSNBC,  and of course, FrontPageMagazine.. where I first ran into it.)

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