Friday, September 19, 2014

Slow news day -- but things of interest....

--Veep Bite-me doubled up and made a couple of Gaffes this week -- told a women's group he missed Robert Packwood "a good Republican' ...... you remember the kiss-stealer? Spoke to another group and referred to 'shylocks'..... an anti-Semitic pejorative...

--- The good news -- the good citizens of Scotland went to the polls in record numbers (85% of those eligible)  and voting overwhelmingly to remain as part of the United Kingdom -- Bless their hearts... I know they have a language all their own, if you think that they speak English, just you go have a chat with a Scottish country shepherd one day.... good luck!    Wife & I enjoyed three great years there in the early Sixties ..... of course we were young enough to live without warmth or sunshine for great periods of time....   

--- And same old same old -- Once again the Ruling Class, in this instance a small time school administrator, managed to exert herself into punishing a young lad for doing the right thing!  Seems like a 13 year old had the temerity to share his school lunch with another young feller who had only a cheese sandwich  Oh, the sin of it all!  Here's a link to the whole story... listen to the short video, then look at the detention report filled out by the school elite-tress. While reading the note, think to yourself, as many years ago as it was, din't we learn to NEVER end a sentence in a preposition?  Maybe she ought to go on detention to re-learn her grammar lessons!!

Have a grand weekend!!!

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