Sunday, August 24, 2014

This sure do be a funny country!!!!

I note in Real Clear Politics reports today (Sunday) that a composite score of public opinion polls reflect that:

41.7% approve of the job Obamanation is doing
52.3% disapprove of his job performance
and the other 6% don't know who he is apparently.

But at the same time:
26.8% of Americans think the country is headed in the right directions
65.2% think that we are headed down the wrong track....
and the other 8% are down at the train station waiting for their ship to come in.

Congress, however, brings most of us together:
14% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing
77.4% Disapprove of Congress's job performance
and the other 8.6% of our low information voters want to know where their Obama phones are!

Meanwhile -- it's a historical fact that 91% of Congressional incumbents (both houses)  that run for reelection ---  WIN!!!
And that, fellow Americans, is my class lesson for today!!!

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