Thursday, April 24, 2014

Back to the drinking age question.....

Thirty years ago, and primarily at the prompt of a vocal MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), the National Minimum Drinking Age was passed by Congress.  The 10th Amendment was once again ignored, castrated, and trashed of course.  That law declared that no human person shall be allowed to let any alcoholic beverage, Near Beer, Beer, Wine, Rum, Whiskey, Gin, or what the Brits call Shandies, (beer & lemonade) pass their lips. 

So, as a result such a Carrie Nation insult to our nation, we have college keg parties, high school parking lot parties, military troops returning from two or more deployments to a shooting war zone, that cannot legally by a beer!   How dumb is that!

Back in the day, when men were men, if you discovered somebody breaking the law, you punished them. Nowadays, when you have a few folks breaking the laws of DUI, DWI, public intoxication -- you pass another law banning EVERYBODY from participating in a rite of growing up that's been with us for thousands of years. 

Kind of like our knee jerk gun laws, which are passed and piled on top of each other every time there is a shooting incident in this country -- makes the DC 'do-nothings' feel better, but accomplishes nothing ......

So now, nineteen year olds can obtain pot, obtain uppers, downers, numbers, and God knows what, but not a six pack to sit in the back yard and sip on a hot summer day!   

Camille Paglia, announced feminist dissident, avowed Libertarian, teacher and columnist... hit the nail right on the head yesterday with her column in Time Magazine.  Her final sentence: "This tyrannical infantilizing of young Americans must stop!"

Click here for her column - it's a quick read!

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