Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thursday Morning news -- slow week?

As I peruse the news blogs and channels this morning, I couldn't help but note the lack of newsworthiness of the News today --- for example:

USA Today Video: AFL-CIO is admitting it's own irrelevance by asking NAACP and Tree Huggers of America (Sierra Club et al) to join their ranks - with our without dues...  Click here. 

SLATE Blog (Newsweek even lighter & lefter?): "We are not going to every use the word 'Redskins' again when discussing the Washington DC NFL Football Team. Oh my, what will the half dozen folks that look in on Slate each day think?   But fear not - they are not alone - the Buffalo News is dropping the Redskins name from their sports pimping columns, as well.

MSNBC:  Motor mouth Chris Matthews, he who engages mouth ten minutes before his brain gets in gear has proudly announced that he is more qualified than any other American to predict the next GOP Nominee for President in 2016. It was.... er, um, I fergit.. 

"Chuck-You" Schumer, NY Senator and all around 'whine of the month' star on Sunday talks shows, has given his nod to the House's Amnesty plan for the 20 million illegal alien lawbreakers in the country...  Get a life Schu --- you don't even have a good head of Senator's Silver Hair....  Nobody's listening.

One of my personal favorites, Paula Deen, former Food Network star, has once again demonstrated that she is smarter than the average TV ego -- and politely declined making an ass out of herself on Dancing with the Stars this fall - just to boost their sagging ratings.

And finally, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration quietly trimmed back the number of hurricanes and storms we can expect this year.  I find this amazing in the face of all the dire predictions about global warming and rising oceans...  Who knew?

No wonder all the newspapers are shutting down and the 24/7 newscasters on TV are losing viewers..... there ain't no damned news - but they keep reporting it anyway!!

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